Episode #54. This was supposed to be recorded in Chad’s Garage. One day we will get there! Hope all is well and everyone is keeping safe during the madness. This episode goes long. The added content you can thank Colleen, Charley, Chris, and Scott. Chris Chamberland was cool enough to step in tonight and we […]
Category: Comedy
Adjust the Mic Episode #53 The Hundred Dollar Tooth Fairy
Tonight was a doozie. Scott puts Colleen on the hot seat after a conversation with his Ex wife Andrea. Yea I threw names out there lol. We all has different kinds of weekends. Especially Charley. Colleen has a Tooth Fairy situation. This one is a goodie. Its a July 1st celebration indeed. We get into […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #52 The Chamberland Files
Episode #52 brings in an Emmy award winning, Karen shaming, hell of a guy and friend of the show Chris Chamberland. We had a full house of Colleen, Joe, Charley, and Scott along with Chris on tonight and lets just say we had some fun and this show flowed. We got into the Karen conversation […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #51 The Snowflake Escapades
Episode #51 didn’t go as planned. It went better. Well we honestly didn’t even start out with a plan. Joe couldn’t make it but Charley, Colleen, Brent, and Scott held it down and had a hell of a show! This episode was taken over by a Snowflake accuser on our Facebook group page. She even […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #50 Shock Collar
Episode #50 is here. Friends Tonyia & Mack join us on this fine Sat evening and it starts off with a dedication of this show from Charley! Heart goes out to all involved! The show begins off with some stuff I wasn’t planning on keeping in the show but it needs to stay! LOL. We […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #49 Bee Jay Monolouges
Show #2 recorded on Sat June 7th 2020. On this episode of Adjust the Mic you will be in for a treat. Bee Jay, Jill, and Kathy join a full crew for a Sat evening recording. Some drinking was involved for some of us and we all had a GREAT time doing the show. Brent […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #48 Yelling at Kids and Cuban Frogs
Another Saturday morning gem. Episode #48 has all members on the show. Colleen, Charley, Joe, and Scott. Charley yells at the kids to hush, Joe won’t eat Biscoff cookie butter. Sylas watches his father fling frogs into the woods. And so much more!! Going to keep this description short and sweet since we have another […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #47 We Are All Neighbors
I love this podcast and all of our full time and part time members! Tonight was a dandy. Colleen, Charley, and Scott had some great conversations. Colleen tells us about her week and the Space X Launch! We are living during a special time in Space Exploration and a bright future with Space X and […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #46 Half Serious Half Delirious
Episode #46 was recorded on this fine Sat morning 5/30/2020. Charley Colleen and Scott hold it down and we get serious for the first half of the show. Doesn’t happen often but felt like it was needed with all that is going on in Minnesota. I hope you can listen and maybe chime in on […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #45 Sweets and Meats
Episode #45. Kathy and Josh filled in for Colleen and Joe who had work. We missed you both! Charley and Scott rounded out the show and we had a GREAT time recording this one. Gnar Gnar. We come at you bro. But we wuv you Meat Nazi. We talked about our Memorial Day Weekends. Shout […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #44 Three Men & a Cupcake Lady
Episode #44 has quite a few less slurs than our Sat night show had. Great fun easy going show tonight! Colleen couldn’t make it due to work but show friend Kathy Hughes Buckoski stepped in and joined us for the evening! Was great having you in Kathy and thank you for the amazing Rum Cupcakes. […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #43 This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
Soo this happened on Saturday night. Episode #43 was an interesting one to say the least but after listing to the show to edit I must say this is one we might talk about for a while. Recording on a Sat with no kids led to a drunken fiasco which was pretty damn funny and […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #42 : Friday Night Mics : Ruth Timberlake
Episode #42 was a Friday Night DELIGHT. Charley and Scott threw down a show while the kids took over the house and the show partially. We even do some Missed Connections on the second half of the show. Some UFC talk with tonight having some kickass matchups. Charley breaks it down. For the rest of […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #41 We Miss you Joe
Episode #41 is out and ready for your enjoyment. Human interaction is cool and stuff so we all were excited to get in the studio and record some content. Thank you for all of your participation and listen to the show. Been amazing and we are just getting started. As we grasp this concept of […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #40 La La land
Episode #40. Posted a few days late but up and ready for your Quarantine nothing else to do enjoyment. Colleen and Scott run this show as Charley and Joe are out doing what they can to help during this tough time for everyone. This might be one of the nicest podcast you ever hear from […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #39 Social Distancing
Episode #39 was recorded on Friday night March 27th. In attendance was Colleen, Charley, and Scott. Joe is doing his part of protecting the show while he keeping busy with all of efforts going into helping those in need of much needed supplies! We need this show right now to record and keep the sanity […]
Episode #38 Fredrick the Duck
Episode #38 was fun! Colleen, Charley, and Scott held down the fort this evening with a little help from the kids on the second half of the show. We talk reality TV shows we used to watch and still do watch. We talk to the kids and try to see their perspective on this Virus […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #37 Covid37
Episode #37. We know we needed to get a show out and here it is! First episode recorded in the new studio. Some great content on this show and we hope you enjoy it. We def are talking some about what is going on in our world right now but we want to get your […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #36 Dukisumalahi
Hello all! Episode #36. We recorded this episode on Sat morning at 8am instead of our normal Wed evening. We left this recording thinking it was one of if not our best yet. The title doesn’t really help you know what this show was about. This description isn’t going to either lol. Check it out […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #35 Phenomedoll vs JoJo Voodoomun
Episode #35 is alive. Tonight we a fun episode. I will keep this short and sweet since I am tired and it is late. Great time hanging with everyone at the Brix Project tonight! Appreciate all of the kind words. It is a great time and appreciate your joining us for the evening. Had a […]