Category: Crime

Adjust the Mic Episode #56 Is There Anybody Out There?

Happy Birthday to Christina Bullington, Pete Jones, and Olivia Michelle! Episode 56 is Bananas. On this show we have Colleen, Charley, Chris, and Scott. We start off with some talk on our attire while home alone. We discuss shopping and where and how we shop in today’s climate and turns into some conversations about the […]

Adjust the Mic Episode #48 Yelling at Kids and Cuban Frogs

Another Saturday morning gem. Episode #48 has all members on the show. Colleen, Charley, Joe, and Scott. Charley yells at the kids to hush, Joe won’t eat Biscoff cookie butter. Sylas watches his father fling frogs into the woods. And so much more!! Going to keep this description short and sweet since we have another […]