In this episode, Scott and Thad dive into the Orlando Magic’s impressive opening game performance against the Miami Heat, played down in Miami on October 23rd. Scott’s getting hyped for what could be a strong 2024-2025 season for the team, with big hopes for their success on the court. Meanwhile, Thad gives us an update […]
Tag: #AdjustthemicPodcast
Adjust the Mic Episode #96 Dancing on the Devil
Episode #96 Is simply put a mighty fine program. We are getting good at this podcasting stuff. This is a great episode where we get into a discussion about Lil Nas, Covid Vaccine Appts, Horse Sympathy, CD Collections, Hurricane Season, Men’s Undergarments, Drew Garabo Show, Tom and Dan, Phillips Phile, Space Paintings in Space Thongs […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #95 Live Shows & Celebrity Crushes
Episode #95 Is ready for action. On this episode Charley brings up his need for Concerts to be a thing again. We can all agree getting back to some normalcy would be nice! The Media problems in todays society are brought up along with the Mask vs Anti Maskers debate. Scott has a dishwasher update. […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #94 The Grand Opening of Mutter Real Estate Group PSJ Division
Episode #94 was recorded at The Grand Opening of Mutter Real Estate Group PSJ Division. All I have to say is AMAZING PEOPLE. You all put on a fantastic event and the vendors were all top notch in every way. Thank you for inviting us Linda! You are a hard working person and deserve so […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #93 Elite Parenting
Another night, Another Episode. Here is #93 for you to enjoy. We were one member short tonight with Chris not being able to make it. This is a great episode. The conversation about how messy our kids are and what we do about it is life changing and a must listen. Experts indeed. We are […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #92 Then & Now in Titusville, Florida
Episode #92 is ready for you. We got into our weekends and it quickly turned into a then and now of Titusville/Brevard County. Talk about the Miracle City & Searstown Malls and some of the stores we loved to go to and still do to this day! We talk about the back section of Spenser’s. […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #91 Kristen & Elon Sitting in a Tree
Welcome to another Episode of the Adjust the Mic Podcast. Episode #91 was a fun one to record. It was great having Kristen Johnson on the show to talk about her Nonprofit and tell us all about the experiences of Children virtual learning over this past year with Covid making its presence known in so […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #90 Tenderfoot Chronicals
Welcome to Episode #90 where all of your wildest dreams will come true just by listening to the episode and telling all your friends and fam about it too. We talk about a range of topics on this episode. I can’t remember all of them because Charley didn’t write them down for me due to […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #89 Can You hear Me Now Judge
Episode #89 is out and lets talk about this Cat Judge Video. It doesn’t get much better than a court proceeding between humans and felines. Ready Player One is starting folks. Prepare! We talk about Only Fans and Charley, Colleen, and Scott are clueless but Chris says hold my beer I got this one and […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #88 Ready Player Chris
Episode #88 brings to you some interesting conversation surrounding the world of Gaming & the technology of VR. Charley is still all about Nintendo Classis. Chris and Scott nerd out for the first part of the show. Chris knows quite a bit about VR. We have a voicemail by the dishwasher repair man. Well played […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #87 North Carolina Dude Wipes
Hello and welcome to episode #87. On your journey to enlightenment you will need to listen to this episode in order to stay on the required path of what is right. So please do what is right and download and listen to the Podcast! If you don’t know how we have customer support and Charley […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #86 Walking the Greens with Mark
Episode #86 was planning on being a full house but some change of plans kept Charley and Frank away from joining us this evening! We hope to see you both next week. Chris starts off the show and we get to have Colleens brother Mark join us this evening and had a GREAT time talking […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #85 Blue Oyster Comedy With Tim Millican
On this episode of Adjust the Mic we have a friend and Co-Worker of Charley join us this evening. Tim Millican of Blue Oyster Comedy! Tim Millican Comedy | Facebook : @BLUEOYSTERcomedy Great time was had tonight! We have a great conversation with comedian Tim Millican. We talk about his start in comedy and quickly […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #84 2020 Hold my Beer
Episode #84 is up and ready for many many downloads :). Hope everyone is having a happy and safe New Years to date. We are only 7 days in yet its been wild out there. 2021 wth is going on? We talk Stupid Politics and well wishes to Dr. Dre! We go over new years […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #83 To 2021 & Beyond
Episode #83 recorded 12/30/2020. Peanut sits in for Viking Metal Chris and shows off his hog leg. Post Christmas talk & some birthday shout outs follow which quickly gets into a rabbit hole of why the current state of streaming TV can be so frustrating. SHOW OUR ORLANDO MAGIC GAMES! We talk about the funny […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #82 Christmas 2020
Episode #82 is ready for your holiday enjoyment. Christmas 2020 is one for the memory books. Be warned during this episode we do discuss the Mandalorian in detail so if you haven’t seen it all yet be warned that this episode will spoil anything you haven’t seen. We get into talking about our holiday plans […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #81 Super Lightning Palm Neck Man
Episode 81 is done son. Thank you Travis Melvin for joining us on this episode and sharing with us some of your life’s events. Getting struck by lightning & having a Palm tree attached to your neck. We have a discussion over the loss of a local legend by the name of Randy Hallock. Long […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #80 The Dishwasher Diaries
Episode #80 is ready for everyone to listen and laugh at Scotts weekend and that takes up on a special kind of podcast trip where we just have a great time and all goes smooth. To be clear this episode isn’t dishwasher safe. We also have a very interesting conversation about wearing a robe and […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #79 Among Us
Episode #79 was recorded on a cold evening in wonderful and delightful Titusville, FL. Among us this evening was Colleen, Charley, Chris, Scott along with 4th time on the show guest Frank Robb! We start this show off on a Gender revel call for Charley so he can find out if his brother and wife […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #78
Episode #78 was recorded while everyone else in Titusville is at Shilohs, Irish Pub, Pier 22, and so on. Hope everyone is safe and has fun tonight! Shout out to all who are in town for Thanksgiving. We bring you a show full of adventure and mystery. I am cooking and don’t have time to […]