Adjust the Mic Episode #22 HELLOOOOOO

Episode #22 is ready to go. We interview our children and get to hear their Christmas list. Good stuff! Joe messed up the mics early on but Charley fixes it. Charley also likes to run. He should join the Playalinda Beach Runners club. Colleen get this man an application! Joe is going to a Tool show in Iceland soon. We talk about everyone’s best ever Christmas gift. We get into our Songs of the week and pick new ones. Joe will have them posted in the Facebook group so check them out and let us know what you think! We also talk about the Usbourne Books/Adjust the Mic collaboration! Joe and Charley hate anything Scott is excited about and it its evident here. So enjoy my stress! lol. And buy some Rap Snacks OMG!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to itunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium and break tonight is all about Cat Facts. Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music.

Adjust the Mic Episode #21 Usborne Books with Lauren

For this episode I hope everyone who sees this post listens. Its about a 30 minute episode and it is an Interview with our good friend and wife of Tonto Lauren Leigh Johnson! This was going to be a segment on this weeks podcast but it was too good not to put out there for all to hear. We will discuss more ongoing with Charley and Joe and have follow up calls with Lauren so we can talk about the charity we are setting up with Usborne Books. She will be making some post on the FB group and we will be sharing and asking you to share to ANYONE you know might know someone who would like to purchase some books for their families through us so we can get credits towards books to be given out to families and children who need and want new and fun stories to read and Usborne has some amazing books for learning to read all the way up to young adult. The amount of books that we can get is staggering compared to the price in purchasing books. Its amazing. I hope you take the time to listen and help us get books into the hands of children those who need. Education is our foundation for our kids and it is up to us more than it is up to our school systems. Lets help them by helping at home where it is needed! More to come with links to buy books and earn credits to free books.

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to itunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium and break music by The Maybe List. They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of them to allow us to use their music! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!Audio Player

Adjust the Mic Episode #20 Christmas Spirit AF

Episode #20 is ready for your enjoyment. Be ready because 2 of the host are CHRISTMAS AF right now and 1 is feeling the pressure to get in the spirit asap! We are happy to be back and recording episodes. We talk about our Thanksgivings and get into our song selections and tell all what we thought of them. We also give this weeks songs to check out and review. Joe and Charley post the songs in our Facebook group for the listeners to check out and share their thoughts as well! We talk about our favorite and most hated Christmas songs, one of the best prank calls I have ever made, and many other topics that I am forgetting right now. The show is growing and please help us continue that trend! We appreciate all of the participation! Invite friends and family to listen to the show. Take people phones and show people how to subscribe. So many people don’t even know what a podcast is still. Lets change that!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to itunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium and break music by The Maybe List. They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of them to allow us to use their music! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!

Adjust the Mic Episode #19 Charley Running and the Side Dish

Episode #19 was the tits. Charley runs across Brevard County. Joe drinks a few gallons in Boston, and because of these two dedicated fathers we were able to get this episode out a bit early! We all have plans next week and I will be out of town so we will be back the following week asap. Will try and get another show out this Friday possibly but not sure. Charley has been getting healthy and it is showing. All jokes aside much respect and it is inspiring to see. You can see the energy level improvement and its GREAT to see. HUGE thank you to the Indian River City United Methodist Church for the Thanksgiving dinner donation for the family we are helping out this year! And thank you to Joe Miller for going to get a big ass turkey for them as well! That’s what this is all about! It is special when things like this are put together for the friends and neighbors of a community. THANK YOU! So Charley Gump also came up with a GREAT weekly Bit. Each host will choose a song from their vault that the other two don’t know well and we have to listen to it for a week and come back with a review. We started off this week with 3 great starts. These won’t be very popular songs. We are going for off the grid stuff. This bit is going to stick and just feels perfect for the show. Hope you enjoy it. I will post links to the songs in our Facebook Group and on Instagram. We talk about thanksgiving and Charley’s Mom makes a delicious Hot Chocolate Pie for the holidays! Joe FINALLY announces the winner of the gift card and will be getting that out to you asap! For the break song I pulled a song from the old podcast vault. Ian made it one afternoon messing around and wanted me to never play it until I got a good quality version of it but we all know I can’t wait so here it is! It was for Stan Jared and I when we hosted the first run of this show. And its still funny and awesome so lets give it some air time.

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to itunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of them to allow us to use their music! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!

Adjust the Mic Episode Friday Night Mics Volume #1 Don’t Call me Peck!

Episode #18 which is Volume #1 of our Friday Night Mic Episodes. On this Friday of November 15th we had friends Lauren and BT on the show. We had some fun with this one. We get into Movies, Cartoons, Andre the Giant, Disney, +, BT Doesn’t like Willow and is a funny story! There is a lot of fun on this episode. Lauren and BT did a great job and I couldn’t be happier with the first Friday night episode going the way it did. There is a lot of great content on this episode and some funny prank calls at the end of the show. Enjoy!!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to itunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of them to allow us to use their music! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!

Adjust the Mic Episode #17 Willie or Bust!

The 3 Amigo’s are back at it with another edition of Adjust the Mic. We even took a show pic taken by our photo team Ava and Allee. Charley was feeling good tonight and it was good having the crew back in business. I have said this a few times before but really feel like this might be one of our better episodes to date. I will keep this one short and sweet but here are some of the topics of tonight: Favorite Concerts, Weekend fun, Playalinda Brewery 5 Year Anniversary this past Sat and the SWEET shirts we bought, great question by Gnar Gnar Binks that sparked some getting to know the show host conversation, Charley and his Feista Thanksgiving everyone’s invited Holiday dinner, and last but not least all of the concert talk set us up to go see Willie Nelson! Thanks for all your participation this week! We name everyone who participated in the shows group conversation on Facebook. If you aren’t in the group Joe, Charley or myself might find and auto add you. So just do it to save the hassle please.

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast.  Go to and can subscribe to itunesstitchergoogle play or listen directly from the website.  We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight.  Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of them to allow us to use their music! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!

Adjust the Mic Episode #16 Shout out to Brent

Episode 16 was like sailing the smooth waters of peacefulness in Adjust the Mic land. While we were in podcast harmony our Co-Host Charley was spending his time respecting the strength of his squatty potty. Poor fella! He got to spend a bunch of time with his bud Joe and Brian up in Ashville, NC seeing Slayer and all of these other kick ass bands and Charley is on the side of 528 puking his brains out by the time he gets home. Our good friend Derek sat in for ya bud and did a fine job at that! Cracking mom jokes from the start. Sorry you weren’t here Charley because having Colleen on the show was a blast and she missed ya! Colleen is the Manager at the Playalinda Brewery Hardware Store in Downtown Titusville. This Saturday they have having their 5 Year Anniversary (EVENT DETAILS HERE) Colleen is also a close friend to Charley and Joe and it was a really good time having her on the show to promote the event happening this weekend. She even put in some work and created our new opening disclaimer! I couldn’t have said it better myself and I think anyone who knows me can fully agree! Your welcome on the show anytime! We hope our listeners Join Joe and I this Sat down at the Hardware store enjoying a flight of GRILLED CHEESE and BEER! Playalinda Brewery Style so you know it is going to be an experience worth checking out and make sure to take good care of the employees who take pride in what they are bringing to your table/bar to enjoy! Thank you for ALL OF THE SUPPORT! Its been awesome.

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast.  Go to and can subscribe to itunesstitchergoogle play or listen directly from the website.  We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight.  Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of them to allow us to use their music! Another Old school band was the Maybe List that our good friend Sean allowed us access to and was our break music for this episode! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!

Adjust the Mic Episode #15 We Ain’t Afraid of No Ghost

Episode #15 is in the books. Halloween Eve. Joe Miller plays hooky after making out with Scott and catching his cold. Our friend Derek fills in and does a hell of a job. Tonight’s show was fun. We had some Horror Movie talk, Costumes we wore growing up, Some local Playalinda Beach conversation that will give a chuckle and so on. Charley and Joe are going on a trip together and I did hand over the portable equipment for them to do a show. I REALLY hope they come back with some content. If not I need your help giving them a hard time. Thank you in advance because I am betting on getting nada back. Mfers! The Family Escapades of the Millers and the Lords(MAKE IT HAPPEN). Enjoy the episode and thank you to all of our friends and family who support us in doing this podcast. We know it is a small thing but have big plans in the future and your support and listening to our show means more than you might know. It feels great to be able to put ourselves out here like this and for it to get the positive feedback we get. Stay tuned for more to come. And Joe will be announcing the winner on the Facebook Listener download contest so be on the lookout for that and if you have submitted an entry on our facebook group price message him as much as you want asking when he is going to announce the winner! Thank you in advance. Thanks Charley and Derek for showing up and making this show glorious this evening!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast.  Go to and can subscribe to itunesstitchergoogle play or listen directly from the website.  We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight.  Had a great time recording it for you!

Beats are created by: DAViD
Check out some of his full songs @alittlebitofdavid

Adjust the Mic Episode #14 Peanut Butter Whiskey & Coughing

Episode #14 is up and we are back in the studio after a week off while Scott was out of town. Scott comes back with a cough that is heard and trolled throughout the show. My cough is even called into question so much as I should be given an acting award for my performance. On this episode we talk about the trip Scott took to CA. We discuss Anxiety and the use of CBD and THC in treating anxiety. We go on break and try some Peanut Butter Whiskey and get Joe and Charley back in the mood to harass Scott and his poor pathetic sounding cough. Orlando Magic are playing Cleveland for Game one this evening as well and During a call with Russ we get to talk about the Magic some. And they came out with a victory! So it will be a new rule that we talk about the Magic every episode for good luck. Glad we could come to that decision together fellas! lol. We had a good show this week and it was good getting back into the flow of things. Be on the look out for some future guest on the show. Also Joe and Charley are going on a trip and hopefully they take the portable setup so they can interview and discuss their trip. Maybe we can make it into a full episode. The Family Escapades of the Millers and the Lords. Enjoy the episode and thank you all for the support!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast.  Go to and can subscribe to itunesstitchergoogle play or listen directly from the website.  We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight.  Had a great time recording it for you!

Beats are created by: DAViD
Check out some of his full songs @alittlebitofdavid

Music by Indium. They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of them to allow us to use their music! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!

Adjust the Mic Episode #13 Vintage ATM Volume 1

Episode #13 is going to be a Vintage Adjust the Mic episode. I will be away on a business trip this week and wanted to make sure we have some content out there. I cherry picked this episode because it has one of the first times Charley was on Adjust the Mic. Might be the first time if I am not mistaken. We were already doing the Seasoned Beef Sports Podcast at this time though. On this episode I want to put out a warning. This is a group of friends talking about a variety of subjects. But there are “going for the jugular moments” mostly at my expense lol. We had a couple of long time good friends of ours on this episode as well. Derek and Ralph. The Co-Host at the time was Stan and Jared along with myself. Charley was on this episode for the Star Wars talk we had on some portions of this episode. Other than that a lot of really funny stories and if you want to laugh at me this might be the one that gets it done. This will show you what they show used to be. I hope you enjoy! I kept it all original with the intro and everything.

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast.  Go to and can subscribe to itunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website.  We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight.  Had a great time recording it for you!

Beats are created by: DAViD
DAViD has some legit talent.
Check out some of his full songs @alittlebitofdavid

Adjust the Mic Episode #11 The Bridge of Knowledge

Episode #11. This episode I will liken to a Soap Opera. A roller coaster of emotions and listening to Charley and Joe act like they know what a good comedy movie is. I have a bad foot again and they make sure you hear all about it don’t worry. We discussed a wide range of topics and really had some fun on this episode. We talk about our weekends, the direction of the show is brought up. I get made fun of again when away from the mic. I have to try and mute their asses so I can talk about the Magic for once. But NOOOOOOOO. Charley is developing a new direction with his positive news stories. Wants to focus on it being more locally based as well. So if you have a good story please let Charley know! Also Joe is going to be keeping an eye out on the local music scene. Much more as well so check it out and give us some feedback. BTW If you want a sticker sent out if you aren’t local let me know and I will get one in the mail to you. Also we will be ordering shirts coming up as well before long. So be on the look out.

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast.  Go to and can subscribe to itunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website.  Hope you enjoy the show tonight.  Had a great time recording it for you!

Music by Indium. They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of them to allow us to use their music! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!

Beats are created by: DAViD
DAViD has some legit talent.
Check out some of his full songs @alittlebitofdavid

Adjust the Mic Podcast Episode #8 Children of the Corn…..Sucka!

The Adjust the Mic Podcast official broadcast system has issued a WARNING. If you do not like children this is not the episode I would recommend but listen to this anyway because you like us and care about our success and stuff. On Episode #8 we have a whole episode of Girls vs the Boys in an epic Peppa Pig Post it Note show down with Lazers and Nerf Guns and outlandish accusations galore. And a Stupid Dancing Robot. Thanks ERICA!!! We do have some quite time and some great conversation about our event next Thursday at the Playalinda Brewery Hardware Store. We are extremely excited about this and hope to see you there. Sept 26th at 6pm next Thursday night. Event is posted for details. We also talk about our first beers we enjoyed and some funny stories as to why. We talk about Cheeseburgers! Whats your fav? My foot is brought up over and over along with Charley who brought his A game with 3 great stories and the Creepy Stories were a bit flat except for some last minute entries. Well done Joe and Charley picking up the slack! Hope you enjoy the show!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast.  Go to and can subscribe to itunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website.  Hope you enjoy the show tonight.  Had a great time recording it for you!

Beats are created by: DAViD
DAViD has some legit talent.
Check out some of his full songs @alittlebitofdavid

Music by Indium

#Podcast #cheeseburgers #baconator #Fiveguys #Childrenofthecorn #Adjustthemic #Sucka #playalindabrewery #hardwarestore #brixproject #Peppapig #NOTPeppathePig #Strangerthings #Neverendingstory #oldtownroad

Adjust The Mic Episode #7 Hey Scott what’s wrong with your foot?

Episode 7 is a Jekyll and Hyde type of show. First half pretty spectacular…Then Joe shows up for the second half and things go dark shortly after her on Adjust the Mic. There is also about 5 minutes of me being away on a phone call for work and I am sure I don’t want to know what they talked about. We start off the show with some chat about our experience with the tragic event on Sept 11th. We also discuss the Event we will be creating shortly for our recording up at the Hardware Store in Downtown Titusville, FL at the Playalinda Brewery. We will have a great time and we hope you can make it!!! 2nd half of the show I find out Joe drives through the town my sister lives in smh. We talk about Mattie being correct on the pronunciation of Sego’s. We go a little off the rails with some sensitive subjects and finish off with Joe talking about stuff Joe likes to talk about LOL. See if you guys would help with these descriptions maybe they would lean toward you being the better person in all of these topics. Was a great show and love having Joe on and hope he keeps making it over on Wed nights. Thank you all for listening and all of the kind works and support. We are having a great time with this and hope you feel the same!!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast.  Go to and can subscribe to itunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website.  Hope you enjoy the show tonight.  Had a great time recording it for you!

Beats are created by: DAViD
DAViD has some legit talent.
Check out some of his full songs @alittlebitofdavid

#Segos #Titusville #CentralFlorida #Podcast #Adjustthemic #PlayalindaBrewery #BrixProject #HardwareStore #PSJ #Mims

Adjust the Mic Episode #6 Joe Gives Wood to Dorine

Episode 6 is available for all to enjoy. And enjoy you will. This one was a doozy of a doozy. Joe joins us again and is forcing his way onto the show like 9 Pattie Mattie did back in the day. And its been great just like having Mattie on the show was! Its a Thursday night and first game of the year but first we recorded this sweet episode. We talk the Hurricane and how it affected everyone. Poor people int he Bahamas! Heart goes out to them and please keep sharing any info that involves helping people affected by the hurricane. FL and the Bahamas! We also talk Football and while I am typing this Green Bay is beating the Bears so Charley and Joe are probably witnessing and angry Chad in his garage. We also talk about our up and coming event at the Playalinda Hardware Store on Thursday the 26th at 6pm. Hope you can stop in and join us that evening!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast.  Go to and can subscribe to itunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website.  Hope you enjoy the show tonight.  Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Created by : Indium

Beats are created by: DAViD
DAViD has some legit talent.
Check out some of his full songs @alittlebitofdavid

#Podcast #MrSubmarine #Valentinos #Stoneys #IrishPub #Pozzybros #Hurricane #Playalindabrewery #Hardwarestore #Brixproject #Chadsgarage #Footproblems #JoesWood #Dorian #Craftbeer #goodtimes #ThirdCultureKitchen #Week1NFL

Episode #5 Hardware Stores and Hurricanes with Charley and Joe

Episode #5 was a doozy. We had quite a bit going on this past weekend and we also have a hurricane to keep and eye on for the weekend coming up! We have lots to talk about. Joe Miller is on this episode and it was special no doubt! We talked about so much on episode #5 but I want to start off with the big news we discussed. On Sept 26th at 6pm(Thursday evening) we will be doing our first show at the Hardware Store in Downtown Titusville at Playalinda Brewery. We are really looking forward to it and a huge thanks to Colleen and all of the staff at the Playalinda Brewery for allowing us this opportunity. All are welcome and we hope you can make it out on a school night for a few hours to have some fun with us and drink some mighty fine beer! We will talk more about this as we get closer to the event. Good stuff for sure!! We talked about our Fantasy Football drafts and how wonderful of a job Joe doesn’t do hosting the league he runs. Its a hoot. We discuss the Chicken sandwich war and are proud of Murdock’s in Cocoa, FL for stepping up and showing the fast food joints what they are lacking! Well played indeed! We also talk about the amazing pizza at Pozzy Brothers in the Canaveral Groves area and Valentino’s in the Searstown Mall. We also get into the possibility of having a show recorded in Chads Garage when it cools down since he can’t seem to make it over this way. That could get interesting lol. As always Charley has some positive to bring the news world and I bring my creep game strong.

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast.  Go to and can subscribe to itunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website.  Hope you enjoy the show tonight.  Had a great time recording it for you!

Beats are created by: DAViD
DAViD has some legit talent.
Check out some of his full songs @alittlebitofdavid

#Podcast #Murdocks #Valentinos #popeyes #pozzybros #hurricane #playalindabrewery #hardwarestore #brixproject #Chadsgarage #Playboymagsinthewoods #JoeMillerisPlaylindaNorm

Adjust the Mic Episode #4 Mr Rogers vs Bob Ross

Episode 4 is ready for your listening enjoyment. Go on give it a chance. Everyone is doing it. Charley and I had a blast on this episode. We had a lot to go over and talk about. Already building up plenty of content for episode 5 as well. We have some kickass news to talk about on the next episode so hope you check it out and see what we have in the works. I can’t thank you all enough for the messages and positive feedback have been getting. There is so much negativity on all platforms socially and politically. If you are over that come check out something positive and funny and if your in the Brevard County or Central Florida areas you will hear about many places you are familiar with and have an opinion on. We would love to hear it. Email us at [email protected] or join our Facebook group Adjust the Mic and let us know whats on your mind. We talked about our weekends along with some nerd talk with Scott and Charley. The Truth about Titusville. Fantasy Football is upon us. Are you ready? We also get 3 positive stories from Charley and yet again some Creepy Connections chat. The Bob Ross Mr Rogers chat was my fav though lol.

We had a blast recording it so hope you enjoy it! We will from time to time post up vintage episodes so if you are a new listener please be on the lookout for them to get a little background on the show. Would love to have a community of listeners that are active in our group and we want to bring that positive content to the show each week so please join us and join the conversations.

Beats are created by: DAViD
DAViD has some legit talent.
Check out some of his full songs @alittlebitofdavid

#podcasts #podcast #podcasting #podcaster #podcasters #podcastshow #podcastaddict #podcastlove #OrlandoMagic #TitusvilleFL #Florida #CentralFlorida #BrevardCountyFL #applepodcasts #itunes #comedy #podcastmovement #love #radio #music #podcastnetwork #stitcher #motivation #entrepreneur #newpodcast #repost #BCPM #BobRoss #MrRogers #brevardpodcastmovement #brevardcounty #Whatcanwedoforyou #Starwars #Galaxysedge #disney #hollywoodstudios #thetruthabouttitusville

Adjust the Mic Episode #3 Talk of Titusville

Episode #3 of Adjust the Mic is up and ready for your enjoyment. This episode brings some fun. We have a 2 man show currently with a 3rd co-host possibly in the works. Charley and Scott will be the weekly Co-host. On the 3rd episode Scott goes up to GA for the weekend. Charley has been dealing with his kicks getting under the weather. The kids started school Monday. We talk about the recent feedback we have been getting from you all and really appreciate that! Been a GREAT start to this podcast. I think we are onto something good here. We talk about our favorite cartoons growing up. We talk about growing up in Titusville and surrounding areas. We get into Charley’s 3 good stories and I go creepmode again digging in the craigslist ad. We had a blast recording it so hope you enjoy it! You can find us at Adjust the Mic on Facebook. Join our group and ask us anything. We will from time to time post up vintage episodes so if you are a new listener please be on the lookout for them to get a little background on the show. Would love to have a community of listeners that are active in our group and we want to bring that positive content to the show each week so please join us and join the conversations.

Beats are created by: DAViD
DAViD has some legit talent.
Check out some of his full songs @alittlebitofdavid

#podcasts #podcast #podcasting #podcaster #podcasters #podcastshow #podcastaddict #podcastlove #OrlandoMagic #TitusvilleFL #Florida #CentralFlorida #BrevardCountyFL #applepodcasts #itunes #comedy #podcastmovement #love #radio #music #podcastnetwork #stitcher #motivation #entrepreneur #newpodcast #repost #BCPM #brevardpodcastmovement #brevardcounty #Whatcanwedoforyou

Episode #1 The Return of Adjust the Mic

Episode #1 of Adjust the Mic is up and ready for your enjoyment. The return brings some change and we are excited on this new start. We will from time to time post up vintage episodes so if you are a new listener please be on the lookout for them to get a little background on the show. We have a 2 man show currently with a 3rd co-host possibly in the works. Charley and Scott will be the weekly Co-host. On this first episode we describe the decision to bring back the show along with getting to know the background of Charley and how this came to be. We will be including our children in this show as well from time to time and we are excited about the product we will be putting out. We want to focus on Brevard County and our experiences growing up in this fine county. Local topics and feel good stories will be a part of this show along with Sports, Pop Culture, Family life and the list goes on. We had a great first episode and hope you enjoy it!

You can find us at Adjust the Mic on Facebook. Join our group and join and ask us anything. Would love to have a community of listeners that are active in our group and we want to bring that content to the show each week so please join us and join the conversations.

Beats are created by: DAViD
DAViD has some legit talent.
Check out some of his full songs @alittlebitofdavid

#podcasts #podcast #podcasting #podcaster #podcasters #podcastshow #podcastaddict #podcastlove #podernfamily #applepodcasts #itunes #comedy #podcastmovement #love #radio #music #soundcloud #podcastnetwork #stitcher #motivation #entrepreneur #newpodcast #repost #brevardpodcastmovement #brevardcounty #florida