Episode #15 is in the books. Halloween Eve. Joe Miller plays hooky after making out with Scott and catching his cold. Our friend Derek fills in and does a hell of a job. Tonight’s show was fun. We had some Horror Movie talk, Costumes we wore growing up, Some local Playalinda Beach conversation that will […]
Tag: #Playalinda
Adjust the Mic Episode #14 Peanut Butter Whiskey & Coughing
Episode #14 is up and we are back in the studio after a week off while Scott was out of town. Scott comes back with a cough that is heard and trolled throughout the show. My cough is even called into question so much as I should be given an acting award for my performance. […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #13 Vintage ATM Volume 1
Episode #13 is going to be a Vintage Adjust the Mic episode. I will be away on a business trip this week and wanted to make sure we have some content out there. I cherry picked this episode because it has one of the first times Charley was on Adjust the Mic. Might be the […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #11 The Bridge of Knowledge
Episode #11. This episode I will liken to a Soap Opera. A roller coaster of emotions and listening to Charley and Joe act like they know what a good comedy movie is. I have a bad foot again and they make sure you hear all about it don’t worry. We discussed a wide range of […]
Adjust the Mic Podcast Episode #8 Children of the Corn…..Sucka!
The Adjust the Mic Podcast official broadcast system has issued a WARNING. If you do not like children this is not the episode I would recommend but listen to this anyway because you like us and care about our success and stuff. On Episode #8 we have a whole episode of Girls vs the Boys […]
Adjust The Mic Episode #7 Hey Scott what’s wrong with your foot?
Episode 7 is a Jekyll and Hyde type of show. First half pretty spectacular…Then Joe shows up for the second half and things go dark shortly after her on Adjust the Mic. There is also about 5 minutes of me being away on a phone call for work and I am sure I don’t want […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #6 Joe Gives Wood to Dorine
Episode 6 is available for all to enjoy. And enjoy you will. This one was a doozy of a doozy. Joe joins us again and is forcing his way onto the show like 9 Pattie Mattie did back in the day. And its been great just like having Mattie on the show was! Its a […]
Episode #5 Hardware Stores and Hurricanes with Charley and Joe
Episode #5 was a doozy. We had quite a bit going on this past weekend and we also have a hurricane to keep and eye on for the weekend coming up! We have lots to talk about. Joe Miller is on this episode and it was special no doubt! We talked about so much on […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #4 Mr Rogers vs Bob Ross
Episode 4 is ready for your listening enjoyment. Go on give it a chance. Everyone is doing it. Charley and I had a blast on this episode. We had a lot to go over and talk about. Already building up plenty of content for episode 5 as well. We have some kickass news to talk […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #3 Talk of Titusville
Episode #3 of Adjust the Mic is up and ready for your enjoyment. This episode brings some fun. We have a 2 man show currently with a 3rd co-host possibly in the works. Charley and Scott will be the weekly Co-host. On the 3rd episode Scott goes up to GA for the weekend. Charley has […]
Adjust the Mic Episode #2 Charley Likes Tool
Episode #2 of Adjust the Mic is up and ready for your enjoyment. This episode brings some fun. We have a 2 man show currently with a 3rd co-host possibly in the works. Charley and Scott will be the weekly Co-host. On the second episode Charley can’t shut up about TOOL releasing new music for […]
Episode #1 The Return of Adjust the Mic
Episode #1 of Adjust the Mic is up and ready for your enjoyment. The return brings some change and we are excited on this new start. We will from time to time post up vintage episodes so if you are a new listener please be on the lookout for them to get a little background […]