Adjust the Mic Episode #98 Frank the Tank

Frank is back in the Studio with us this week to discuss a number of topics and to give everyone an update as to the progress of his road to recovery. Charley’s car has a road to recovery if its own. Great story on this so tune in! We try to talk Frank into getting his own onlyfans account. DO IT! Problems in the service industry and the patrons who put the service industry on blast. Reality TV was on the brain and discussed as well. Big shout out to Lilian Hurley-Welch!! Your participation in listening to the show means so much to us and we thank you for all you do and share with us! We finish off the show with some weekend plans along with some of Frank’s insane trivia! We love you Frank and keep doing what your doing! Your a great person and deserve all the love you receive. We are fortunate to have you as a friend to the show!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunesStitcherGoogle podcastSpotify, and Now iHeart Radio!! Listen directly from the website. By typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the galaxy and you will find us easily. Call & leave a voice mail at 321-567-5159 & we will play it on an up and coming episode!

Music Intro & Outro this evening are by Indium & The Maybe List. Local music can be submitted to [email protected]. You can message me on Facebook as well & we will play and plug your music. Any up and coming events please share them in our Facebook group. Any FB live events? Let us know and we will help promote!

Adjust the Mic Episode #97 Squirrel

Episode 97 is a hoot. This starts off with some wild Milky Mandingo Escapades and gets his account disabled for a bit then out of nowhere a wild Squirrel appears while recording. Charley’s cooking partner from work Chris made us some really really good food inspired by our Thrifty’s market conversation on a previous episode. Well played sir thank you kindly & The Pork Belly was delightful. Charley says Mullet > Manbuns. Charley and Colleen have some great drinking stories from the high school days. Larkins dog Ranger housed 7 of the 12 steaks. Colleen talks about her trip to Nemours Children’s Hospital. It is great that Colleen and Brent have such a good place to take the kids when needed. Thanks again for listening and for all of your participation in the group. Its happening and we have you all to thank for it! 100 Episodes is almost here. Should out to Mack. Get well soon bro we LOVE YOU!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunesStitcherGoogle podcastSpotify, and Now iHeart Radio!! Listen directly from the website. By typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the galaxy and you will find us easily. Call & leave a voice mail at 321-567-5159 & we will play it on an up and coming episode!

Music Intro & Outro this evening are by Indium & The Maybe List. Local music can be submitted to [email protected]. You can message me on Facebook as well & we will play and plug your music. Any up and coming events please share them in our Facebook group. Any FB live events? Let us know and we will help promote!

Music By The Passion HiFi

Adjust the Mic Episode #93 Elite Parenting

Another night, Another Episode. Here is #93 for you to enjoy. We were one member short tonight with Chris not being able to make it. This is a great episode. The conversation about how messy our kids are and what we do about it is life changing and a must listen. Experts indeed. We are going to be at Linda Powers and Real Living Mutter Real Eastate Groups Grand Opening in PSJ this Sat at Noon. LINK TO EVENT HERE We talk Scott’s new obsession with Thrifty’s Market in Merritt Island as well. I brought the Brevard County People a better knowledge of Crunchy Cookie Butter. Trust me when I say go check out Thrifty’s in Merritt Island!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunesStitcherGoogle podcastSpotify, and Now iHeart Radio!! Listen directly from the website. By typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the galaxy and you will find us easily. Call & leave a voice mail at 321-567-5159 & we will play it on an up and coming episode!

Music Intro & Outro this evening are by Indium & The Maybe List. Break Music by none other than Lo Presher! Local music can be submitted to [email protected]. You can message me on Facebook as well & we will play and plug your music. Any up and coming events please share them in our Facebook group. Any FB live events? Let us know and we will help promote!

Adjust the Mic Episode #91 Kristen & Elon Sitting in a Tree

Welcome to another Episode of the Adjust the Mic Podcast. Episode #91 was a fun one to record. It was great having Kristen Johnson on the show to talk about her Nonprofit and tell us all about the experiences of Children virtual learning over this past year with Covid making its presence known in so many ways. Kristen takes up the rest of our time talking about Disney, Elon, Disney again, and more Elon. That goes on for a while. Kristen talks about her cancer journey and coming out on the other side cancer free. This was a great episode and I hope you enjoy it! Would also like to throw a big we love you and get well soon to Frank Robb! We love you brother and can’t wait to talk to you soon!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunesStitcherGoogle podcastSpotify, and Now iHeart Radio!! Listen directly from the website. By typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the galaxy and you will find us easily. Call & leave a voice mail at 321-567-5159 & we will play it on an up and coming episode!

Music Intro & Outro this evening are by Indium & The Maybe List. Break Music by none other than The Nature Kids! Local music can be submitted to [email protected]. You can message me on Facebook as well & we will play and plug your music. Any up and coming events please share them in our Facebook group. Any FB live events? Let us know and we will help promote!

Adjust the Mic Episode #90 Tenderfoot Chronicals

Welcome to Episode #90 where all of your wildest dreams will come true just by listening to the episode and telling all your friends and fam about it too. We talk about a range of topics on this episode. I can’t remember all of them because Charley didn’t write them down for me due to being sooo tired for having to help others who can’t get around so easy and stuff. It happens. I guess you all are just going to have to listen to this one to know what this episode is about. Enjoy the show! 🙂

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunesStitcherGoogle podcastSpotify, and Now iHeart Radio!! Listen directly from the website. By typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the galaxy and you will find us easily. Call & leave a voice mail at 321-567-5159 & we will play it on an up and coming episode!

Music Intro & Outro this evening are by Indium & break music is by Josh Keels! Local music can be submitted to [email protected]. You can message me on Facebook as well & we will play and plug your music. Any up and coming events please share them in our Facebook group. Any FB live events? Let us know and we will help promote!

Adjust the Mic Episode #89 Can You hear Me Now Judge

Episode #89 is out and lets talk about this Cat Judge Video. It doesn’t get much better than a court proceeding between humans and felines. Ready Player One is starting folks. Prepare! We talk about Only Fans and Charley, Colleen, and Scott are clueless but Chris says hold my beer I got this one and explains it to us and even says he is setting us up an Only Fans account haha! This might get weird. We talk Super Bowl and Poor Brittney Spears and what she is going though with her pops. Colleen tells us about the documentary. Second half of the show is well….Listen in and let us know what you think LOL. Thanks SO much for your participation and for downloading and listening to the show. Means a so much to all of us and we hope we are developing the show in a way that keeps you tuned in and entertained. If not let us know and tell us what the hell we need to do to keep you interest and we will dress Charley and Chris up and make it happen. Until next time adios.

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunesStitcherGoogle podcastSpotify, and Now iHeart Radio!! Listen directly from the website. By typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the galaxy and you will find us easily. Call & leave a voice mail at 321-567-5159 & we will play it on an up and coming episode!

Music Intro & Outro this evening are by Indium & break music is by Josh Keels! Local music can be submitted to [email protected]. You can message me on Facebook as well & we will play and plug your music. Any up and coming events please share them in our Facebook group. Any FB live events? Let us know and we will help promote!

Adjust the Mic Episode #88 Ready Player Chris

Episode #88 brings to you some interesting conversation surrounding the world of Gaming & the technology of VR. Charley is still all about Nintendo Classis. Chris and Scott nerd out for the first part of the show. Chris knows quite a bit about VR. We have a voicemail by the dishwasher repair man. Well played sir! Marilyn wtf is going on with this dude now? We finish the show up with some Super bowl picks for the big game this Sunday!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunesStitcherGoogle podcastSpotify, and Now iHeart Radio!! Listen directly from the website. By typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the galaxy and you will find us easily. Call & leave a voice mail at 321-567-5159 & we will play it on an up and coming episode!

Music Intro & Outro this evening are by Indium & break music is by local legends Lo Presher! Local music can be submitted to [email protected]. You can message me on Facebook as well & we will play and plug your music. Any up and coming events please share them in our facebook group. Any FB live events? Let us know and we will help promote!

Adjust the Mic Episode #87 North Carolina Dude Wipes

Hello and welcome to episode #87. On your journey to enlightenment you will need to listen to this episode in order to stay on the required path of what is right. So please do what is right and download and listen to the Podcast! If you don’t know how we have customer support and Charley is our top customer support rep! Hit him up and start listening! Tonight we have Frank Robb join us who wasn’t able to last week. Good news is there is a date set for his surgery! Not its time to rest and prepare for the road to recovery which we will make sure to keep everyone up to date on how he is doing and you all can follow him on the many social media outlets he is a part of. We love you Frank and wish you the quickest of recoveries! Girl Scout Cookies are in full effect and Colleen has the pairing in place up at the Hardware Store Playalinda Brewery! Colleen gets to take her Mother along with her Brother Mark and family to The Garlic! Such a good place down in New Smyrna! After the Break we get into our weekend plans, bath’s and ball wipes. I will leave the rest to your curiosity so go download right meow and listen.

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunesStitcherGoogle podcastSpotify, and Now iHeart Radio!! Listen directly from the website. By typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the galaxy and you will find us easily.

Music Intro & Outro this evening are by Indium. Break music also by Indium. Song title is MILK!!! Local music can be submitted to [email protected]. You can message me on Facebook as well & we will play and plug your music. Any up and coming events please share them in our facebook group. Any FB live events? Let us know and we will help promote!

Adjust the Mic Episode #86 Walking the Greens with Mark

Episode #86 was planning on being a full house but some change of plans kept Charley and Frank away from joining us this evening! We hope to see you both next week. Chris starts off the show and we get to have Colleens brother Mark join us this evening and had a GREAT time talking with him about his job in the world of Golf and we have some great conversations around his work up in NJ. Playalinda Brewery has their Girl Scout Cookie Paring coming up! We talk about our kids & how much sleep they get each night. Do your kids sleep in late on the weekends or wake you up at the crack of dawn? Sports trivia and some getting to know the show round out this episode. Enjoy and thank you all so much for the support. Downloads are growing and we have some goals for 2021. Enjoy the journey!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunesStitcherGoogle podcastSpotify, and Now iHeart Radio!! Listen directly from the website. By typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the galaxy and you will find us easily.

Music Intro & Outro this evening are by Indium. Break music by Local Legends The Nature Kids!!! Local music can be submitted to [email protected]. You can message me on Facebook as well & we will play and plug your music. Any up and coming events please share them in our facebook group. Any FB live events? Let us know and we will help promote!

Adjust the Mic Episode #85 Blue Oyster Comedy With Tim Millican

On this episode of Adjust the Mic we have a friend and Co-Worker of Charley join us this evening. Tim Millican of Blue Oyster Comedy! Tim Millican Comedy | Facebook : @BLUEOYSTERcomedy

Great time was had tonight! We have a great conversation with comedian Tim Millican. We talk about his start in comedy and quickly can see this is a passion and something loves doing. Tune in and enjoy!! We will be posting his up and coming schedule and Tim will be in Titusville performing soon. Stay tuned! After the break we talk about Colleen’s new Ride. Congrats on getting your way Brent! We then dive into some trivia towards the end. GREAT TIME and fun show tonight. Thank you!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunesStitcherGoogle podcastSpotify, and Now iHeart Radio!! Listen directly from the website. By typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the galaxy and you will find us easily.

Music Intro & Outro this evening are by Indium. Break music also by Indium!!! Local music can be submitted to [email protected]. You can message me on Facebook as well & we will play and plug your music. Any up and coming events please share them in our facebook group. Any FB live events? Let us know and we will help promote!

Adjust the Mic Episode #84 2020 Hold my Beer

Episode #84 is up and ready for many many downloads :). Hope everyone is having a happy and safe New Years to date. We are only 7 days in yet its been wild out there. 2021 wth is going on? We talk Stupid Politics and well wishes to Dr. Dre! We go over new years Resolutions and weight loss goals some. We talk about the ORLANDO MAGIC. Yea you hear me right. LOL. Second half of the show we get into some Moral Conflict trivia which leads to kid talk and other shenanigans. Also we recorded this episode with our new Audio Interface setup and hope you enjoy the new sound quality. I think it came out really well and hope it shows. Until next time friend and fam!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunesStitcherGoogle podcastSpotify, and Now iHeart Radio!! Listen directly from the website. By typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the galaxy and you will find us easily.

Music Intro & Outro this evening are by Indium. Break music also by Indium!!! Local music can be submitted to [email protected]. You can message me on Facebook as well & we will play and plug your music. Any up and coming events please share them in our facebook group. Any FB live events? Let us know and we will help promote!

Adjust the Mic Episode #83 To 2021 & Beyond

Episode #83 recorded 12/30/2020. Peanut sits in for Viking Metal Chris and shows off his hog leg. Post Christmas talk & some birthday shout outs follow which quickly gets into a rabbit hole of why the current state of streaming TV can be so frustrating. SHOW OUR ORLANDO MAGIC GAMES! We talk about the funny Twisted Tea video and some Football talk. Colleen Skips Church to hang out with her friends. The ending is cut a bit short due to some technical difficulties but had a conversation that you will hear part of about The Grove Church. You miss Scott having an issue with parts of organized religion and where we wish you a Happy and safe New years Titusvillians, PSJers, Brevardians, Floridians, USAians, Earthians, & Aliens. 2021 is sure to keep us on our toes. Lets make count! Thank you for all your support in 2020. Its been memorable & special no doubt! Thank you to Colleen, Charley, & Chris for all you do in helping us develop this podcast and bring some entertainment to you listeners! THANK YOU!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunesStitcherGoogle podcastSpotify, and Now iHeart Radio!! Listen directly from the website. By typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the galaxy and you will find us easily.

Music Intro & Outro this evening are by Indium. Break music by Lo Presher!!! Local music can be submitted to [email protected]. You can message me on Facebook as well & we will play and plug your music. Any up and coming events please share them in our facebook group. Any FB live events? Let us know and we will help promote!

Adjust the Mic Episode #82 Christmas 2020

Episode #82 is ready for your holiday enjoyment. Christmas 2020 is one for the memory books. Be warned during this episode we do discuss the Mandalorian in detail so if you haven’t seen it all yet be warned that this episode will spoil anything you haven’t seen. We get into talking about our holiday plans and after recording go on a Christmas Hay ride that was an absolute blast for us all. Some special moments on this episode and we hope you enjoy. A lot of birthdays as well. Happy Birthday Stella! On this episode we have the full crew of Colleen, Charley, Chris, and Scott. We exchange gifts and everyone came through with some memorable and thoughtful gifts. Good times all around. 2021 is almost upon us folks & Go Dolphins!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunesStitcherGoogle podcastSpotify, and Now iHeart Radio!! Listen directly from the website. By typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the galaxy and you will find us easily.

Music Intro & Outro this evening are by Indium. Break music by Lo Presher!!! Local music can be submitted to [email protected]. You can message me on Facebook as well & we will play and plug your music. Any up and coming events please share them in our facebook group. Any FB live events? Let us know and we will help promote!

Adjust the Mic Episode #81 Super Lightning Palm Neck Man

Episode 81 is done son. Thank you Travis Melvin for joining us on this episode and sharing with us some of your life’s events. Getting struck by lightning & having a Palm tree attached to your neck. We have a discussion over the loss of a local legend by the name of Randy Hallock. Long time Football Coach and teacher at Astronaut High School. Coach Hallock meant a lot to many people in our town and we will miss you sir! Heart goes out to the Hallock family and all of his friends who are saddened by this loss! We get into some music and food talk as always as well. Hope you enjoy!!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunesStitcherGoogle podcastSpotify, and Now iHeart Radio!! Listen directly from the website. By typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the galaxy and you will find us easily.

Music Intro & Outro this evening are by Indium. Break music by The Nature Kids!!! Local music can be submitted to [email protected]. You can message me on Facebook as well & we will play and plug your music. Any up and coming events please share them in our facebook group. Any FB live events? Let us know and we will help promote!

Adjust the Mic Episode #80 The Dishwasher Diaries

Episode #80 is ready for everyone to listen and laugh at Scotts weekend and that takes up on a special kind of podcast trip where we just have a great time and all goes smooth. To be clear this episode isn’t dishwasher safe. We also have a very interesting conversation about wearing a robe and smoking queso dip and various meats. Hope you enjoy it. Post up in the group after listening! 🙂

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunesStitcherGoogle podcastSpotify, and Now iHeart Radio!! Listen directly from the website. By typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the galaxy and you will find us easily.

Music Intro & Outro this evening are by Indium. Break music is by Lo Presher. Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. Any up and coming events please share them in our facebook group. Any FB live events? Let us know and we will help promote!

Adjust the Mic Episode #79 Among Us

Episode #79 was recorded on a cold evening in wonderful and delightful Titusville, FL. Among us this evening was Colleen, Charley, Chris, Scott along with 4th time on the show guest Frank Robb! We start this show off on a Gender revel call for Charley so he can find out if his brother and wife are having a Boy or a Girl. This was special and awesome to listen to! Congrats to the Lords of Cleveland, OH! Frank joins us and we have a GREAT time catching up with him and seeing what everyone has going on in life. Been a rough year and I am very proud of the way this podcast is coming together and for all of the people who listen and share in the group. It has been a therapy for every one of us on the show. I hope you all know how much this means that you tune in and enjoy these therapy sessions! Second half of the show we go off the rails like usual and it doesn’t disappoint!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunesStitcherGoogle podcastSpotify, and Now iHeart Radio!! Listen directly from the website. By typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the galaxy and you will find us easily.

Music Intro, Outro, & Break Music this evening are by Indium. Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. Any up and coming events please share them in our facebook group. Any FB live events? Let us know and we will help promote!

Adjust the Mic Episode #78

Episode #78 was recorded while everyone else in Titusville is at Shilohs, Irish Pub, Pier 22, and so on. Hope everyone is safe and has fun tonight! Shout out to all who are in town for Thanksgiving. We bring you a show full of adventure and mystery. I am cooking and don’t have time to write much here and not sure who all reads this anyway haha. We talk about some fun stuff this evening and we go a full range of emotions. Please listen to this one as I think it will really be one for the history books. HAPPY THANKSGIVING AND WE LOVE YOU ALL!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunesStitcherGoogle podcastSpotify, and Now iHeart Radio!! Listen directly from the website. By typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the galaxy and you will find us easily.

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium & break music by Lo Presher. Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. Any up and coming events please share them in our facebook group. Any FB live events? Let us know and we will help promote!

Adjust the Mic Episode #77 Spatchcocking with Chris

Episode #77 was recorded on Nov 17th at 6pm. In attendance was Colleen, Charley, Chris, and Scott. We talked about a range of topics locally related and holiday related. Some music related content as well. Guess who Colleen talked about. We discuss the launch schedule coming up and some of the things Chris does within his work schedule along with his Spatchcocking abilities. After the show we went on the golf cart to see the Winterland House. They are off to an amazing start on their Christmas lights setup! After that we went up to the Playalinda Brewery Hardware Store for some Cranberry Claus & Mocha Java Mint Stout. The Stout was Phenomenal!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunesStitcherGoogle podcastSpotify, and Now iHeart Radio!! Listen directly from the website. By typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the galaxy and you will find us easily.

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium & break music by The Nature Kids. Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. Any up and coming events please share them in our facebook group. Any FB live events? Let us know and we will help promote!

Adjust the Mic Episode #76 Chocolate Covered Charley

Episode #76 is upon you. We have some fun on this episode as there is a little delirium kicking in due to the effect of our week. All except for happy Chocolate Covered Charley! We all pushed though and gave you about 45 mins of pure heat. Shout outs to Frank Robb! We are all behind you in support of your health journey. Wish you all of the best and love seeing the support from your friends, fans, and loved ones! We talk Christmas, Food, Kids, Alex Trebek, and much more. 321-567-5159 is our # so please leave a voice mail. We will respond and play it on the next episode. Enjoy!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunesStitcherGoogle podcastSpotify, and Now iHeart Radio!! Listen directly from the website. By typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the galaxy and you will find us easily.

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. Any up and coming events please share them in our facebook group. Any FB live events? Let us know and we will help promote!